May 12th, 2022
Fixed error that was preventing form from loading on certain pages (DEV-2993)
Fixed issue with filtering "Is before" and "Is After" not working in Date/Time (DEV-3207)
Fixed bug with Date/Time 'Is during the previous' not including today (DEV-2800)
Read, Update, and Delete permissions not working consistently in API (DEV-3223)
Fix Footer for PDF - Images Don't work (DEV-3228)
Add New Record Popup Display Issue With Connection Fields - Connection field options can't be selected in an "allow insert new record form" - z-index issue (DEV-779)
Fixed issue with Slow forms (for example, with a pipe) that have display rules can be submitted multiple times (DEV-826)
Fixed Custom component filter tab configs missing (DEV-2886)
Fixed Equations don't populate after multiple records are created with a record rule (DEV-3265)
Fixed issue with visibility setting for specific user roles in Row permissions does not show content when being redirected from another page. (DEV-995)
Fixed issue with with existing values in a multi-connection field get emptied when you add a new value (DEV-3307)
Fixed issue with display Issue on Text Formula Field Set as Display Value in Connection Currently applies to filter on table components (DEV-1203)
Fixed issue with searching object fields, like address and names. (DEV-899)
Fields Lose Leading 0s When Edited in Data Builder (DEV-954)
Number Decimal places (DEV-2025)
Inserting a grandchild via popup on a child page (DEV-3374)
Add Auto Increment as an option in Table Rule > Pipe Parameters (DEV-3380)
Show in popup > connected table > allow new record popup page doesn't connect to the parent (DEV-2590)
Notifications-Emails condition sends email regardless of the "is not logged in user" condition (DEV-3317)
Submit Button Display Rules Do Not Respond To Changes Made on Edit Forms (DEV-981)
Task Emails Do Not Send if a Connected Email To/CC is Blank (DEV-743)
Deleted Record Logs missing (DEV-2708)
Set pipe param to record value > Auto Increment (DEV-2801)
Stripe Payments Multi-API Keys and Multiple Components on one page. (DEV-3454)
Domain Restrictions - User Login - only 1 domain is allowed (DEV-3441)
Table Component - Pagination position only works for TOP (DEV-3520)
Paste in the rich text doesn't work (DEV-3560)
Table Buttons do not inherit their original location when Group Buttons is disabled (DEV-3547)
We'd love to hear your feedback.