Vertical Lookup Pipe
Tadabase Support is unavailable for this pipe. View the documentation below for guidance.
Use this function when you need to look up information in a data table by column and find the corresponding values.
Example Use Case: Look up a price of an automotive part by the part number, or find an employee name based on their employee ID.
Installing the Vertical Lookup Pipe
Step 1
Install the Vertical Lookup Pipe in your app.
Step 2
You will then be prompted to fill out this window.
A. Select your Tadabase API Key from the drop down menu.
If you do not already have a Tadabase API Key, follow the steps below to create one:
B. Select a Data Table and Lookup Field from the drop down menus.
The Data Table and Field that you select will be the data that the Pipe uses to lookup in order to return the corresponding value.
For example, if you select the Users Table, and the 'Name' field, then when you run this pipe you can lookup and return other data corresponding to the User's Name, such as a User's Email Address.
C. Select a Data Table and Return Field from the drop down menus.
The Data Table and Field that you select will be the data that the Pipe returns the corresponding value from.
For example, if you selected the Users Table and the 'Name' field in the step above, and now select Users Table and 'Email' field in this step, then when you run this pipe you can retrieve a User's Email address by 'looking up' their Name.
D. Input text to be returned if no values are found that match the Lookup value.
For example: "No Value Found."
E. Select the Data Table in the dropdown menu that you would like to search from.
For example, if you choose the Users table, this pipe will search from the Users table.
F. Enter the Lookup Value.
The Lookup Value is the value you would like to lookup.
For example, enter the User's Name in order to retrieve the User's email address.
G. Click Install
Once the Pipe is installed you are given the option to 'Log response in console'.
If you check off this box, the pipe response will be logged in the console when the pipe is triggered. (Whether from the builder or the live app.)
API Calls
This pipe contains a single API call:
Vertical Lookup
- Result - The corresponding values from the Return Field.
In the example below, the Pipe 'looks up' a User's Name in order to returns a User's Email address.
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