Text Pipes
What is the Text Function Pipe?
The Text Pipe enables you to dynamically update text strings to a nearly endless variety of customization.
The Text Pipe requires a text string to be converted and the functions(s) to be triggered.
For instance, you can use a Text Pipe to take any text string and convert and/or validate against it to ensure that it meets your unique requirements.
Suppose you want to ensure that every time someone writes "Tadabase" it automatically adds an exclamation point at the end. You can do that easily with ensureRight('!'). This function will ensure that the exclamation point exists, and if it does not exist, the exclamation point will be added and then returned as the new text value.
Chaining functions together
You can also daisy chain functions together by adding a -> between each function, letting the system to know to start at the left and move through each function, transforming the latest updated text along the way.
Keep in mind that the the function starts at the far left and the next function transforms the results of the function run prior to it.
For example, if you want to add 'https://' to every instance of 'tadabase' you can use this function: ensureLeft('https://'). However, if you daisy chain another function to the first, like so: ensureLeft('https://')->ensureLeft('Check Us Out at: '), it will first add https:// and then add 'Check Us Out at: ' to the left of that.
Result: Check Us Out at: https://tadabase
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Text Pipe Functions
Here is a list of the different types of Text Pipe functions you can utilize.
Original Text | Function | Output | Description |
tadabase | upperCaseFirst() | Tadabase | Converts the first character of the supplied string to upper case. |
Tadabase Web_app-builder | upperCamelize() | TadabaseWebAppBuilder | Returns an UpperCamelCase version of the supplied string. It trims surrounding spaces, capitalizes letters following digits, spaces, dashes and underscores, and removes spaces, dashes, underscores. |
Tadabase webAppBuilder | underscored() | tadabase_web_app_builder | eturns a lowercase and trimmed string separated by underscores. Underscores are inserted before uppercase characters (with the exception of the first character of the string), and in place of spaces as well as dashes. |
Tadabase web app builder | truncate(19, '...') | Tadabase web app... | Truncates the string to a given length. If $substring is provided, and truncating occurs, the string is further truncated so that the substring may be appended without exceeding the desired length. |
tadabase | trimRight() | tadabase | Returns a string with whitespace removed from the end of the string. Supports the removal of unicode whitespace. Accepts an optional string of characters to strip instead of the defaults. |
tadabase | trimLeft() | tadabase | Returns a string with whitespace removed from the start of the string. Supports the removal of unicode whitespace. Accepts an optional string of characters to strip instead of the defaults. |
tadabase | trim() | tadabase | Returns a string with whitespace removed from the start and end of the string. Supports the removal of unicode whitespace. Accepts an optional string of characters to strip instead of the defaults. |
tadabase web app builder | toUpperCase() | TADABASE WEB APP BUILDER | Converts all characters in the string to uppercase. |
TADABASE | toLowerCase() | tadabase | Converts all characters in the string to lowercase. |
Yes | toBoolean() | true | Returns a boolean representation of the given logical string value. For example, 'true', '1', 'on' and 'yes' will return true. 'false', '0', 'off', and 'no' will return false. In all instances, case is ignored. |
tàdàbàse | toAscii() | tadabase | Returns an ASCII version of the string. |
tadabase the greatest! | titleize(['at', 'by', 'for', 'in', 'of', 'on', 'out', 'to', 'the']); | Tadabase the Greatest! | Returns a trimmed string with the first letter of each word capitalized. Ignores capitalizing list of words in the array. |
tadabase web app builder | titleize() | Tadabase Web App Builder | Returns a trimmed string with the first letter of each word capitalized. |
TadaBase | swapCase() | tADAbASE | Returns a case swapped version of the string. |
tadabase | surround('!') | !tadabase! | Surrounds a string with the given substring. |
tadabase | substr(2, 3) | dab | Returns the substring beginning at $start with the specified $length. It differs from the mb_substr() function in that providing a $length of null will return the rest of the string, rather than an empty string. |
tadabase | startsWithAny(['Something', 'Else'], false) | false | Returns true if the string begins with any of $substrings, false otherwise. By default the comparison is case-sensitive, but can be made insensitive by setting $caseSensitive to false. |
tadabase data | stripWhitespace() | tadabasedata | Strip all whitespace characters. This includes tabs and newline characters, as well as multibyte whitespace such as the thin space and ideographic space. |
Tadabase | startsWith('tada', true) | false | Returns true if the string begins with $substring, false otherwise. Case sensitive. |
Tadabase | startsWith('tada', false) | true | Returns true if the string begins with $substring, false otherwise. Not case sensitive. |
tada base data | split(' ', 3) | tada base data |
Splits the string with the provided regular expression, returning an array of Stringy objects. An optional integer $limit will truncate the results. |
tadabase | slice(3, -1) | abas | Returns the substring beginning at $start, and up to, but not including the index specified by $end. If $end is omitted, the function extracts the remaining string. If $end is negative, it is computed from the end of the string. |
tadabase | shuffle() | tebsdaaa | It returns a string with its characters in random order. |
Hello and welcome to Tadabase! The worlds most awesome platform | safeTruncate(50, '... Learn More') | Hello and welcome to Tadabase! The... Learn More | Truncates the string to a given length, while ensuring that it does not split words. If $substring is provided, and truncating occurs, the string is further truncated so that the substring may be appended without exceeding the desired length. |
tadabase | reverse() | esabadat | Returns a reversed string. |
tadabase | replace('tada','OhYa-') | OhYabase | Replaces all occurrences of $search in $str by $replacement. |
tadabase | repeat(3) | tadabasetadabasetadabase | Returns a repeated string given a multiplier. |
tadabase | removeRight('base') | tada | Returns a new string with the suffix $substring removed, if present. |
tadabase | removeLeft('tada') | base | Returns a new string with the prefix $substring removed, if present. |
base | prepend('tada') | tadabase | Returns a new string starting with $string. |
tadabase | padRight(14, '*') | tadabase****** | Returns a new string of a given length such that the end of the string is padded. |
tadabase | padLeft(14, '*') | ******tadabase | Returns a new string of a given length such that the beginning of the string is padded. |
tadabase | padBoth(14, '*') | ***tadabase*** | Returns a new string of a given length such that both sides of the string string are padded. Alias for pad() with a $padType of 'both'. |
tadabase | pad(12, '*', 'right') | tadabase**** | Pads the string to a given length with $padStr. If length is less than or equal to the length of the string, no padding takes places. The default string used for padding is a space, and the default type (one of 'left', 'right', 'both') is 'right'. |
tadabase | pad(12, '*', 'left') | ****tadabase | Pads the string to a given length with $padStr. If length is less than or equal to the length of the string, no padding takes places. |
Tadabase | lowerCaseFirst() | tadabase | Converts the first character of the supplied string to lower case. |
tadabase | longestCommonSubstring('ZadabasX') | adabas | Returns the longest common substring between the string and $otherStr. In the case of ties, it returns that which occurs first. |
tadabase | longestCommonSuffix('base') | base | Returns the longest common suffix between the string and $otherStr. |
tadabase | longestCommonPrefix('tadadocs') | tada | Returns the longest common prefix between the string and other string. In this case the common letters are the first 4 'tada' |
Tadabase\r\Tadabase\n | lines() | Tadabase\r\Tadabase\n | Splits on newlines and carriage returns, returning an array of Stringy objects corresponding to the lines in the string. |
tadabase | length() | 8 | Returns the length of the string. |
tadabase | last(4) | base | Returns the last $n characters of the string. |
Tadabase | isUpperCase() | false | Returns true if the string contains only upper case chars, false otherwise. |
tadabase | isSerialized() | false | Returns true if the string is serialized, false otherwise. |
Tadabase | isLowerCase() | false | Returns true if the string contains only lower case chars, false otherwise. |
Tadabase | isJson() | false | Returns true if the string is JSON, false otherwise. |
{"Name":"Tadabase"} | isJson() | true | Returns true if the string is JSON, false otherwise. |
tadabase | isHexadecimal() | false | Returns true if the string contains only hexadecimal chars, false otherwise. |
tadabase | isBlank() | false | Returns true if the string contains only whitespace chars, false otherwise. |
tadabase | isBase64() | true | Returns true if the string is base64 encoded, false otherwise. |
Tadabase | isAlphanumeric() | true | Returns true if the string contains only alphabetic and numeric chars, false otherwise. |
tadabase | isAlpha() | true | Returns true if the string contains only alphabetic chars, false otherwise. |
tadabase | insert('!',4) | tada!base | Inserts $substring into the string at the $index provided. |
tadabase tadabase | indexOfLast('se') | 15 | Returns the index of the last occurrence of $needle in the string, and false if not found. |
Tadabase | indexOf('base') | 4 | Returns the index of the first occurrence of $needle in the string, and false if not found. |
tadabase_id | humanize() | Tadabase | Capitalizes the first word of the string, replaces underscores with spaces, and strips '_id'. |
& | htmlDecode() | & | |
& | htmlEncode() | & | |
tadaBASE | hasUpperCase() | true | Returns true if the string contains an upper case char, false otherwise. |
tadaBase | hasLowerCase() | true | Returns true if the string contains a lower case char, false otherwise. |
tadabase | getEncoding() | UTF-8 | Gets the encoding of the given string |
tadabase | first(4) | tada | Returns the first $n characters of the string. |
tadabase | ensureRight('.io'); | tadabase.io | Ensures that the string ends with $substring. If it doesn't, it's appended. |
tadabase | ensureLeft('http://') | http://tadabase | Ensures that the string begins with $substring. If it doesn't, it's prepended. |
tadabase! | endsWithAny(['.','!','?']) | true | Check if string ends with any of the given values. In this example: Period, Exclamation or question mark. |
tadabase | endsWith('base') | true | Returns true if the string ends with $substring, false otherwise. Case sensitive. |
tadaBase | delimit('$') | tada$base | Returns a lowercase and trimmed string separated by the given delimiter. Delimiters are inserted before uppercase characters (with the exception of the first character of the string), and in place of spaces, dashes, and underscores. Alpha delimiters are not converted to lowercase. |
tadaBase | dasherize() | tada-base | Returns a lowercase and trimmed string separated by dashes.Dashes are inserted before uppercase characters (with the exception of the first character of the string), and in place of spaces as well as underscores. |
tadabase | countSubstr('a') | 3 | Count how many times a specified letter is present. |
tadabase | containsAny(['tada','table']) | true | Returns true if the string contains any |
tada-base | containsAll(['tada','base']) | true | |
tadabase | contains('base') | true | Checks if the string contains a specified value |
tadabase | collapseWhitespace() | tadabase | Trims the string and replaces consecutive whitespace characters with a single space. This includes tabs and newline characters, as well as multibyte whitespace such as the thin space and ideographic space. |
tadabase | chars() | t a d a b a s e |
Returns comma separated values of each all the letters |
tada-base | camelize() | tadaBase | Returns a camelCase version of the string. Trims surrounding spaces, capitalizes letters following digits, spaces, dashes and underscores, and removes spaces, dashes, as well as underscores. |
tadabase | between('t','e'); | adabas | Output the values that are between t and e. |
tadabase | at(0) | t | Return the letter at 0 index |
tadabase | append('.io') | tadabase.io | Add substring to end of a string |
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