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Version v0.27.5
This Year
Custom Language File

Ability to customize every part of the app using custom language files. 

Staging Environment

Build your app in staging/development enviroment and promote to production when you're ready. 

This Quarter
Complete PDF features

Finalize PDF functionality, fix bugs, and move out of Alpha. 

Email Templates

Add email templates to enhance the appearance of your outgoing emails. 

More Prebuilt Design Options

Ability to choose from about 5 design styles for each component. 

In Depth User Analytics

Get detailed reporting on each user in your app to see all their activity at one time. 

Built in Builder Commenting

Leave comments on any part of the app to document changes you made. 

This Month
Barcode/QR built in Scanner

Ability to scan QR and Barcodes directly into a form field. 

Universal Component

Ability to create an interchangeable component with fully customizable options for all aspects including Search, Pagination, Add new etc.

Stripe Credit Card Processing

Ability to charge a credit card directly inside of a form. 

Builder Activity Logs

See a detailed log of all changes made and by whom. 

Session/Local Variables

Ability to use browser local and session values in form rules and filters. 

PDF Forms

Create dynamic fillable PDFs that can be generated from record values in an action link. 

Details Pop Up Page

Similar to Edit page, designate a details page to open in a modal window.

📌 Please check the updates 📌

To see comprehensive list of updates, please view our updates page 👉 here. 

Raw Values in Emails

Ability to access raw values in form and action link emails. 

Embeddable Components

Ability to create embeddable components to easily add read-only data into your existing sites using a small pre-defined script. 

Remove hash from URL

Ability to remove the #! from the URL in the front-end of your applications. 

Builder API

Build and manage all aspects of your app via RESTful API. Create tables, add fields, update settings, etc. with a simple HTTP request.

Equation Optimization

We are working on some equation and database optimization to optimize your data. This will mostly impact apps with over 1 Million records and in some cases apps that have very complex database connect...

Search Component

Ability to add search fields that can filter any component belonging to the same data table on the page. 

Max/Min for Dates

Use Max and Min complex formulas on date fields (not just number field types)

Multi Value Dropdown

View several record values in join field dropdowns. 

Record Logging

Ability to track each record change and update. See what values changed and by whom. 

Incoming Webhooks

Ability to create webhooks with custom record automation for each webhook. 

Multi-file Uploads

Ability to add several files to the same File Field. 

Connected values in Pipes

Ability to use values from connected records as pipe parameters. 

Trigger Geo Updates

Trigger manual update to add missing lat/lon to any address fields missing the geo location details. 

Record details in Javascript

Ability to add field values from current details page inside the Javascript of a page. 


Pipes is an all-powerful, built-in integration system that enables you to access and trigger external APIs from within your Tadabase app. You can use pipes to merge your data in Tadabase with external...

Export to Email

Ability to create export templates that can run behind the scenes and send an expiring link to the exported CSV to a predefined email address. 

File Field Updates

Updates to file field type to choose custom link text and other options. When choosing Dropbox as your file storage you'll also be able to enter a parent folder name as well as unique folder for each...

Pivot Tables

Advanced Pivot Tables with side nav and details pop up links. 

Shared Builder

Share builder with other users including ability to define areas of access. Read more here.

User Subscriptions

New and updated User Subscription Component to enable accepting recurring payments from your users. 

Javascript API

Ability to add custom Javascript to all parts of the app at any part of the loading/saving cycle. 

Make Card Component Clickable

Add ability to make the card component clickable to go to another page or another connected page.  Thanks to @SuiteUpstairs. 

Single Sign On

Enable Single Sign On (SSO) to some popular providers. 

Improved Import Functionality

Ability to import larger record sets behind the scenes and see the import status in realtime.

2 Factor Authentication

Enable 2 Factor Authentication for users of your apps. 

Root domains

Ability to use Root Domains for your app, not just subdomains. 

Failed Logins

Enable custom lockout periods after too many failed logins to your app.  

Complete Scheduled Tasks

Finalize scheduled tasks and remove it from Alpha. 

Search Results