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Version 1.0

📖 Manual

The Complete and Comprehensive Tadabase Manual

Data Tables

What is a data table? A Data table is a collection of fields that comprise a common group. For...


Within the Data Builder section of the Tadabase builder, you can define your app's data structure...

Text Fields

The Text type category includes the four field types pictured below. These field types are primar...

Personal Fields

The Personal type category includes the five field types pictured below. These field types ar...

Number Fields

The Number field type category includes the five field types pictured below. These field types ar...

Date Fields

The Date Field type category includes the four Date Field types pictured in the image below. Thes...

Option Fields

Option Fields enable you to pre-define values for selection. The Option field type category inclu...

File and Image Fields

File Fields File fields enable you to upload files and prompt users to upload files as well. Up...

Connection Fields

What are connection fields? Connection fields connect records in one data table with records in ...

Equation Fields (Category)

Text Formula Text Formula fields are basic field types that can combine multiple fields into a s...

Equation Fields

What are Equation Fields? Equation Fields enable more complex formula functions to be run on you...

Date Equation Examples

Listed below are several examples of date equations demonstrating date functions in action. DAYO...

Number Equation Examples

Listed below are several examples of number equations demonstrating math functions in action. AB...

Text Equation Examples

Listed below are several examples of text equations demonstrating text functions in action. CHAR...

Multi-Function Equation Examples

Listed below are several examples of equations demonstrating various combined functions in action...

Dynamic Fields

Dynamic Field is currently in BETA The dynamic field is a newly released field meant to address ...

Dynamic Field Functions

Text Helpers lowercase uppercase capitalizeFirst capitalizeEach titleize sentence ...


What is a record? A record is a single row in a database that contains a combination of values s...

Record Logs

What are record logs? Record logs enable you to track and log any and all changes and deletes ma...

Import Templates

What are import templates? Import Templates empower you to regulate and expedite your importing ...

Export Templates

What are export templates? Export templates enable you to pre-define records to be exported with...

Automating Tasks

The ability to automate your everyday business tasks is one of the most essential features of dat...

Data Components Overview

What are data components? Data components are interactive viewpoints you can add to your pages f...

Form Component

What is the form component? The Form Component is a Data Component that you can add to pages wit...

Table Component

   What is the table component?  The Table Component is a data component that you can add to pag...

List Component

What is the list component? The List Component is a data component that you can add to pages wit...

Kanban Component

What is Kanban? The Kanban component enables you to view the data you wish to add in 'swim lanes...

Calendar Component

What is the calendar component?  The Calendar Component is a Data Component that you can add to ...

Resource Component

What is Resource Component? The Resource component enables you to view the data you wish to add ...

Map Component

What are maps? Maps enable you to see records in your database that contain Address Fields on a ...

Timeline Component

What is the timeline component? The timeline component enables you to view records in a vertical...

Accordion Component

What is the Accordion Component? The accordion component enables you to expand and collapse data...

Card Component

What are cards? Cards enable you to add static or dynamic single points of data on a component t...

Chart Component

What are charts?  Charts allow you to see your data visually in a summarized format.   There...

Search Component

What is the Search Component? The search component enables you to add a search form to a page an...

Import Component

What is the Import Component? The import component enables you to use an Import Template you cre...

Data Source

Filtering Records By default, all of the records you chose when setting up the data component wi...

Data Source Filtering

IS DURING THE CURRENT Week This Sunday - Saturday Month This Calendar Month. Quarter ...


What are links? Links can be added within data components for users to click on the links to edi...

Display Rules

What Are Display Rules? Within data components, you can create Display Rules to show/hide field ...

Inline Editing

Inline Editing is a universal feature among all Data Components that enables you to edit values i...

Data Component Visual Directory

Table Click here to learn more about Tables   Form Click here to learn more about Forms ...

Custom Component

With the custom component builder you can create and design nearly any visual representation of y...

Custom Component Helpers

Strings Lowercase uppercase capitalizeFirst capitalizeEach titleize sentence reverse...

Writing Your Own Component Helpers

Using Handlebars, you can create your own Helpers similar to the helpers we have built-in.  For ...

Search Results