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Version v0.27.5


Recently updated features and enhancements.


You can now create multiple custom SMTP configurations and choose inside of a form and action link which SMTP to send the emails from. This can be very useful if you have a multi-tenant app that requires certain emails to be sent via one profile and others via another. 

New SSO Providers - Okta and Auth0

We're excited to announce 2 new SSO providers which can enable you to use nearly any authenication provider using these tools. 

New API Filtering

We’ve added 2 new operators when filtering date fields so you can filter a date by:

  • Is on or after
  • Is on or before

Advanced Logging

We’re excited to fully publish the logs screens for all users. Inside the settings of your app you’ll see a logs section.

  • Logs include:
  • Page creation and Page edit logs
  • Live App page view logs
  • Backup Logs
  • Restore Logs
  • Scheduled Task logs
  • Import logs
  • File upload logs
  • File Access Logs
  • Record change logs
  • Record delete logs


Incoming Webhook Updates

New Incoming Webhook report page- The Tadabase Webhook Catcher now has a condensed report view of all incoming webhooks. The report is filtered by date and shows how many successful webhooks were processed and how many webhooks failed for the selected date.



See better reporting on multi-value webhooks - Deeper insights into which specific request failed when receiving a multi-value webhook. Additionally, there is now the option to retry specific requests within a partially failed webhook, rather than the whole thing.

Get notifications to one or multiple emails about webhook errors - Stay up to speed with real-time email notifications when incoming webhooks fail to process.

Preview PDF as a Specific Record

To further help you design your PDFs, you can now preview the PDF as a specific reccord using the new dropdown option in the bottom right-hand side of the screen. 

Multi-action tasks

We're excited to announce that now tasks can support multiple actions in a single task. This means you can create entire workflows in a single task instead of waiting for one task to complete. 

Added JavaScript capability to PDF Pages

We've added the ability to add basic JavaScript to manipulate data on PDF Pages. 

Limit field selection for Batch Updates

In this update, you can now limit which fields are available for use when Batch Updating records within a Table Component.



Previously, all editable fields were present when Batch Updating records in a Table Component. While Batch Updating is helpful to make large-scale changes at once, there are use cases where the user should not have access to update values within certain fields.

To limit the fields available in Batch Updating:

1. Click on a Table Component to open the Component Editor
2. Click the Options tab
3. Scroll down to Batch Updates
4. Enable Batch Updating
5. Select fields from the dropdown to add them as available fields in the Batch Updating function

PDF Design Updates

Advanced Page Designer

For those of you comfortable with some CSS, you can now generate the PDF Page and customize it in real-time through an HTML and CSS editor - giving you ultimate control for the look and feel of your PDFs.


To access the Advanced Page Designer, click the Design button inside the PDF Page Builder. In addition to full control over the page content of your PDF, you also have access to the HTML and CSS used for PDF Headers & Footers. 

In the upper right hand corner, you can select which section of the PDF to edit:

Record detail values inside PDF Header & Footer

While working inside of the Advanced Page Designer, you can now include record values inside the PDF Header & Footer. By including the field name, wrapped in single curly brackets, the relevant value will be outputted when the PDF is rendered.

This functionality exists only for detail-type PDFs.

🔗 List vs. Detail PDFs

Additional Spacing Options

Inside the Header and Footer configuration, there's a new spacing option to define how much spacing is between the header/footer and the page content.



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